This coming January 19, 2009 marks the 3rd official commemoration of Martin Luther King Day since Governor Fitial signed the bill enacting Martin Luther King Jr. Day as an official CNMI holiday. In honor of this approaching Commonwealth-wide commemoration, the African American Cultural Preservation Committee (AACPC) is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Essay & Elocution Contest open to all students of the CNMI.
The theme of this year’s Essay & Elocution Competition is “What Would Martin Say?”
We’d like to request that the attached information be shared with all schools within the CNMI.
Thank you
Joe Hill
The African American Cultural Preservation Committee
• Mr. Samuel Joyner, Kagman, Elementary School;
• Mr. Ambrose Bennett; Kagman High School;
• Walt Goodridge; Tel.
• Mrs. Hilda Joyner; Chacha Oceanview Jr. High;
Entries may also be submitted via email to,

Barack Obama has won the 2008 election for president of the United States of America.
What do you think civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. would say? What would he say to the American people, to the world, to president-elect Obama himself? Do you have a creative way to answer that question? If so, share it with the CNMI! Submit your answer for the CNMI’s 3rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Commemoration, for prizes and prestige!
• Essay must be relevant to theme; double-spaced, typed; 12pt font
• Essay must be well-written (follow proper conventions of language, usage and grammar)
• Include Student’s Name, School, Grade Level, Teacher’s Name, and Principal’s name
• Each school is allowed to submit 3 entries per Grade Level category.
-3rd to 5th Grade: 150-250 words
-6th to 8th Grade: 250-350 words
-9th to 12th Grade: 350-500 words
• One winner will be selected for each grade level.
• A prize of $100 will be awarded to the three overall winners; consolation prizes to others.
Among other prizes to be announced, winners of the contest will receive:
- Freedom Fighter Award (An MLK legacy award honoring youth as well as adults)
- Excerpts of their essay published in local media
- On-stage recognition during the MLK Day Rally & Presentation scheduled for Memorial Park
- various gift certificates, coupons & free passes donated by local businesses
Participants are asked to inform their teachers of their intent to compete in the contest as soon as possible.
Students may enter EITHER the Essay OR the Elocution portion of the contest, but not both.
Teachers are asked to judge all entries and submit 3 finalists per grade level category.
Entries will be collected from your school or must be delivered by Monday, December 15, 2008 to:
• Mr. Samuel Joyner, Kagman, Elementary School;
• Mr. Ambrose Bennett; Kagman High School;
• Walt Goodridge;
• Mrs. Hilda Joyner; Chacha Oceanview Jr. High;
Entries may also be submitted via email to
ELOCUTION CONTEST: Topic: WHAT WOULD MARTIN SAY?Barack Obama has won the 2008 election for president of the United States of America.
What do you think civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. would say? What would he say to the American people, to the world, to president-elect Obama himself? Do you have a creative way to answer that question? CAN YOU DELIVER IT IN A MEMORIZED SPEECH LIKE MARTIN WOULD? If so, share it with the CNMI! Enter the ELOCUTION COMPETITION as part of CNMI’s 3rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Commemoration, for prizes and prestige!
• Imagine YOU are Martin Luther King Jr, and give the speech just as he might
• Appropriate gestures, confidence, feeling, enunciation, and interpretive excellence are the prime criteria for this competition.
• Maximum time: five minutes; Students are encouraged to top-end limit of allowable time.
• Each school is requested to submit 3 entries per Grade Level category.
-3rd to 5th Grade; 6th to 8th Grade; 9th to 12th Grade
Participants are asked to inform their teachers of their intent to compete in the contest as soon as possible.
Students may enter EITHER the Essay OR the Elocution portion of the contest, but not both.
Names of entrants may be submitted via email to
Schools are asked to FORM A JUDGING COMMITTEE to judge all entrants and submit the names of the 3 finalists per grade level category by Dec 15, 2008. Contest judging will be on January 10, 2009. Location to be announced. Questions may be directed to:
• Mr. Samuel Joyner, Kagman, Elementary School;
• Mr. Ambrose Bennett; Kagman High School;
• Walt Goodridge;
• Mrs. Hilda Joyner; Chacha Oceanview Jr. High;
• One winner will be selected for each grade level.
• A prize of $100 will be awarded to the three overall winners; consolation prizes to others.
Among other prizes to be announced, winners of the contest will receive:
- Freedom Fighter Award (An MLK legacy award honoring youth as well as adults)
- Excerpts of their essay published in local media
- On-stage recognition during the MLK Day Rally & Presentation scheduled for Memorial Park
- various gift certificates, coupons & free passes donated by local businesses