"Where Do We Go From Here?"
African American Cultural Preservation Committee announces MLK DAY Poster Contest!
SAIPAN-Monday, January 18, 2010 marks the 4th official Commemoration of Martin Luther King Day since Governor Benigno R. Fitial signed the bill enacting Martin Luther King Jr. Day as an official CNMI holiday.
This year, the African American Cultural Preservation Committee on Saipan is hosting its first MLK Day Poster Contest
The poster contest continues the tradition of student awareness, and participation in the annual commemoration activities started with previous years' popular essay contests. This year's theme is "Where Do We Go From Here?" the name of King's famous 1967 speech, and is meant to make students aware that every moment in life offers the opportunity to make new choices, and that they have the ability and responsibility to choose how to live their lives to determine where they go in life.
New years, new administrations, new terms in office, new school semesters, and every new day, all represent ideal opportunities to decide "where do we go from here?" as a nation, as a community, and as an individual.
Student artists are asked to draw/paint/create their concepts of what those choices are, and/or how they affect the nation, the community, and/or the individual. Creativity, uniqueness and outside-the-box thinking is encouraged, and entries should include some reference to Martin Luther King, Jr., his vision, speeches, concept of non-violence, civil rights, etc.
All posters will be displayed at the American Memorial Park Visitors Center from the date of receipt through Monday Jan 18, 2010 and winners will be announced at the MLK Day event at Memorial Park on January 18, 2010.
K - 2nd Grades
3rd - 5th grades
6th -12th grades
in all private and public schools
Minimum size: 9" x 12"
Maximum size: 12" x 18"
Medium: ANY (Paint, charcoal, ink, computer, etc.)
All artwork must be original, and no tracing is allowed.
Submit posters on or before Saturday, Jan 16, 2010 at
Joe Hill Law Offices behind Shirley's in Susupe on Tokcha Ave.
See or contact Alma or Lily at 234-7743,
Joe Hill at 234-6806 or joe.hill@saipan.com
Walt Goodridge at walt@saipanliving.com
Details may be found on BlacksOnSaipan.com. By contacting AACPC President, Joe Hill at 670 234-6806, or emailing mlkcontest@blacksonsaipan.com
The African American Cultural Preservation Committee on Saipan wishes to thank all past and present supporters of our MLK Day events including Hyatt Regency Saipan, Joe-ten Enterprises, Empty Vessel Ministry, American Memorial Park,
and the Northern Mariana Islands Council for the Humanities.